How It Works

No contracts, no invoicing, no employee benefits, no laptops to buy, no on-boarding, no training. Just subscribe, get us up to speed on your business, and the work begins that day. Cancel or pause your subscription at any time.

subscribe to a plan


Subscribe to a plan, answer some questions about your business and create as many work items as you like.

receive deliverables

Receive Deliverables

Receive each iteration of your deliverables within 1-2 business days on average.

review and revise as many times as you need

Review and Revise

Review the work items and accept or return for revision until you are 100% satisfied.

We Love our Customers

Customer happiness as at the core of our business model. If our customers aren’t succeeding, we’re not succeeding. See what they’re saying below.

The Tech Leads are a powerful solution for any business looking to grow quickly or venture into new markets.

Tom Peditto

CEO & Founder

local galaxy web development

The Tech Leads allowed me to delegate critical partner and systems work, facilitating faster execution, saving time, and ultimately money.

Laura Hickernell

Executive Director

Colorado clean tech
employee badge
experts in strategy
deep technology skills
the tech leads are sales experienced
management and leadership experience
strong teams to drive innovation


Submit as many work items as you want, results are usually returned within 48 hours. Cancel or Pause your subscription at any time.

per month


Great for small companies looking to jump-start their product development, sales, or partnership program with some heavy lifters.

One request at a time, up to 4-hours of meeting time per month

24-48 hour average delivery

Can blend across different skill sets, i.e., sales, tech, product

Access to our networks, partners, and channels.


per month


Great for small or medium companies who have a larger skill gap to fill, or are looking for a quick turnaround in sales or partnership development.

Two requests at a time, up to 8-hours of meeting time a month.

24-48 hour average delivery

Can blend across different skill sets, i.e., sales, tech, product

Access to our networks, partners, and channels

per month


Great for small or medium companies who need to move fast to progress a product release, a move to the cloud or new sales campaign.

Four requests at a time, up to 16- hours of meeting time a month

24-48 hour average delivery

Can blend across different skill sets, i.e., sales, tech, product

Access to our networks, partners, and channels

In the event you don’t have enough work to fill a whole month, you can pause your subscription and use the remaining time at a later date.